
Sniper Elite 4 PC Download Demo!

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Sniper Elite 4 PC Download Demo!
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Download now Sniper Elite 4 demo PC version with crack for free! New Sniper Elite 4 is an upcoming tactical shooter played from third-person with elements of stealth. Game is making by Rebellion Developments. '4' is direct sequel to Sniper Elite III, and is set for PlayStation 4 Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. Download it now in demo version.

The plot ofSniper Elite 4 is set in  sunny Italy in 1943, shorty after events form previous part. We play as Karl Fairburne, the agent of Office of Strategic Services. His task is to assist the Italian forces in fight with the Fascists in events of World War II. Sniper Elite 4 is shooter playing from a third-person perspective, with tactical and stealth elements. Every time when Karl kills an enemy with a sniper rifle from a distance, then X-Ray system (kill cam) will activate. The camera will follows the bullet to the target, and shows bones, body parts or body organs being broken  by the bullet. Full game will be realese on early 2017!

Only here you can download DEMO for free! It's PC working version. Enjoy! 


1.Download setup file

Minimal: Intel Core i3-2100 or equal AMD; 4GB RAM; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870; Windows 7 64 BIT; 20GB of space

Sniper Elite 4 PC DEMO: